June 2023

What was measured

We scanned the top 1000 Belgian TV, Online and Print advertisements from August 2023 ranked by media investments according to Nielsen data. From these 1000 ads, 1259 faces of talents were extracted and classified with an image analysis algorithm - and human quality control - to map the representation of age, gender and ethnicity. We use the term "talents" to refer to the actors, models and depicted persons in the ads.

Channel Number of assets Number of talents
Television 562 993
Online Ads 108 135
Print 328 189
Total 998 1259

Age representation

In this chart we see the visual age distribution of talents featured in the Top 1000 ads, compared to the age of the Belgian population (green area),

The visual age distribution is centered around age group 25-34, good for 32% of all talents. The next age group is 35-44, which accounts for 24% of talents. Age groups -18 and 18-24 are 13% and 12% respectively.

Talents looking 45 and above account for only 17% of talents, while they represent 46% of the population and 53,5% of buying power.

Age distribution of casting in Top 1000 Ads compared to Belgian Population

Bar chart



The left-hand chart shows the age distribution of unique talents cast by various brands and agencies.

The right hand side shows the age distribution of talents based on how often the ads were broadcast. There is a slight shift here: ads with older age groups are shown slightly less than ads with younger people.

Visual age distribution of casting
(unique talents)

Visual age distribution as broadcasted
(weighed by media investments)

Age by media

Age representation differs per media. Online Ads and Television Ads feature more children and 18-24, while Print ads feature significantly more people older than 45. This suggests that marketers feature people of similar ages as their target audience. In other words, marketers believe in age representation.




Gender representation

We realise that gender is not a simple binary attribute that can be determined by visual appearance alone. However, our model looks at facial features to classify a person binary, as male or female.

Across different media, we find 46% male talents and 56% female talents.

Visual Gender distribution of talent in Top 1000 Ads

Gender by media

When we compare gender representation in the different media, we see slight changes. In print the difference between make and female is the smalles, 49% male and 51% female.





When we compare gender representation in the different media, we see slight changes. In print the difference between make and female is the smalles, 49% male and 51% female.




Gender x Age

On average, female talents are younger than male talents when we cross visual age and visual gender.
The 18-24 age group contains almost twice as many women as men (103 female versus 53 male talents), while the age groups above 45 contain almost twice as many men as women:

  • Age 45-54: 85 M, 41 F

  • Age 55-64: 45 M, 24 F

  • Age 65+: 20 M, 8 F

Visual Gender crossed with visual age of talent in Top 1000 Ads

Ethnic representation

In terms of ethnic diversity, the analysis shows that 81% of talents are perceived as White (White + Mediterranean/Middle Eastern) versus 19% non-White. 10% of the talents are black, while 5% are Asian.

The data model used will predict the probability of a talent belonging to an ethnic/race group based on facial features. Since the boundaries between ethnic/race groups are not hard, a talent can be perceived as having a dominant and a secondary ethnicity/race.

The model detects two kinds of White: White (lighter) and Mediterranean/Middle Eastern (darker), next to Black, Asian, South Asian (e.g. India, Pakistan) and Latine/Hispanic.

Visual Gender distribution of talent in Top 1000 Ads

Ethnicity by media

Online is the most ethnically diverse media, while print is the least ethnically diverse. In print ads, black representation is 4% compared to 13% in online ads. In print ads, asian representation is 1% compared to 7% in online ads.





In the charts below we weight the ethnic diversity of talents depicted in ads with the number of times an add is displayed. This yield minimal changes.




Comparing sectors

Sectors vary in their representation of diversity. This is not surprising, since some sectors target specific age groups or genders. It is typical for beauty products to target women, for example. But not all differences can be explained by targeting.

Advertising also exhibits seasonality. Advertising for soft drinks in summer, for cough and cold products in winter, for instance.

Telco and Energy is one of the most diverse advertisers overall. The sector also ranks in the Top 3 when it comes to ethnic representation. Overall, gambling is the least diverse advertiser. In defense of the sector, they advertised little in August, and there are fewer than ten people depicted. This will lead to disproportionate results.

Age representation per sector

Sectors showing the most age diversity in their ads

Sectors showing the least age diversity in their ads

Rank Sector Age diversity score
1. Telco and energy 72
2. Toys and events 72
3. Health and pharma 71
Rank Sector Age diversity score
12. Hospitality 56
13. Beauty and hygiene 54
14. Gambling 41

Charts comparing age diversity in the most and least age diverse sector

Gender representation per sector

Sectors showing the most age diversity in their ads

Rank Sector Age diversity score
1. Finance and insurance 50
2. Hospitality (Horeca) 50
3. Appliances and electronics 50

Sectors showing the least age diversity in their ads

Rank Sector Age diversity score
12. Health and pharma 41
13. Beauty and hygiene 33
14. Gambling 28

Charts comparing age diversity in the most and least age diverse sector

Ethnic representation per sector

Sectors showing the most age diversity in their ads

Rank Sector Age diversity score
1. Automotive and transportation 64
2. Beauty and hygiene 55
3. Telco and energy 54

Sectors showing the least age diversity in their ads

Rank Sector Age diversity score
1. Tourism and culture 43
2. Cleaning products 41
3. Gambling 8

Charts comparing age diversity in the most and least age diverse sector


If you have questions about the methodology or the technology used to creat the Belgian Ad Diversity Barometer, check our methodology page.