June 2024
What was measured
We analyzed the top 1000 Belgian TV, Online, and Print advertisements from June 2024 ranked by media investment. We extracted 1268 faces of talent from these ads and mapped the representation of age, gender, and ethnicity using an image analysis algorithm and human quality control. "Talents" refer to actors, models, and depicted persons in advertisements.
Channel | Number of assets | Number of talents |
Television | 601 | 1019 |
Online Ads | 35 | 62 |
364 | 229 | |
Total | 1000 | 1268 |
Remark: Some talents will appear in ads on multiple channels, therefore the total of all channels is not the sum. The total of all channels is the number unique talents across all channels.
Age representation
In this chart we see the visual age distribution of talents featured in the Top 1000 ads, compared to the age of the Belgian population (green area),
The visual age distribution is centered around age group 25-34, good for 36% of talent. This is more outspoken than in other months. The next two age groups are 35-44 and 18-24 , good for 20% and 16% of all talent respectively. Age group is 45-54 and -18 account for 11% and 9% of talent respectively.
Talents looking 45 and above account for only 19% of talents, while they represent 46% of the population and 53,5% of buying power.
Age distribution of casting in Top 1000 Ads compared to Belgian Population
Age by media
Online ads feature the youngest talent with over 48% of talent visually aged 24-34. This is very high compared to previous months, but the sample of online ads is also relatively low. Only 35 online ads were scanned. As in previous months, Print ads shift towards older talent with all ages above 35 being represented more than in other channels. Talent looking older than 45 account for 26% in Print ads and 16% on Online ads.
Gender representation
Gender isn't simply a binary attribute determined by visual appearance. Our model, however, uses facial features to determine whether a person looks male or female.
Across the Top 1000 ads, we find 52% male talents and 48% female talents. It is the first time since the start of our measurements (Aug 2023) that we see more male than female representation.
Visual Gender distribution of talent in Top 1000 Ads
Gender by media
In online ads, only 39% of the individuals depicted are women, compared to 49% in TV ads and 42% in print ads. Previously, TV ads—and especially online ads—featured more female representation than print ads, so it's surprising to see such a high percentage of male representation in online ads now. It's important to note that our sample includes only 35 online ads, so the results may be skewed. However, this marks the first time since we began tracking data in August 2023 that male representation has surpassed female representation across all channels.
Gender x Age
Female talents are younger than male talents when we cross visual age and visual gender. Under the age of 25 we see more female talent, over the age of 35 we see less female talent in the Ads. We observe the same trend month after month. Only this month the M/F shift appears at age 25-34 while in previous months it would happen in age group 35-44.
Age | Male | Female | Difference F-M/F+M |
65+ | 1% | 1% | 0% |
55-64 | 4% | 1% | -60% |
45-54 | 7% | 4% | -27% |
35-44 | 12% | 8% | -20% |
25-34 | 19% | 17% | -6% |
18-24 | 6% | 10% | 25% |
-18 | 3% | 6% | 33% |
Visual Gender crossed with visual age of talent in Top 1000 Ads
Ethnic representation
According to the analysis, 82% of talents are perceived as White (56% White + 26% Mediterranean White/Middle Eastern) compared to 18% non-White. Black talent makes up 11% of depicted persons, while Asian talent makes up 4%. This is in line with previous months.
Based on facial features, the data model predicts the likelihood that a talent belongs to one of the ethnic/race groups. Due to the fact that there are no hard boundaries between ethnic/race groups, a talent can be perceived as having a dominant and a secondary ethnicity/race.
In addition to White (lighter) and Mediterranean White/Middle Eastern (darker), the model detects Black, Asian, South Asian (e.g. India, Pakistan) and Latine/Hispanic looking people.
Visual Ethnicity distribution of talent in Top 1000 Ads
Ethnicity by media
Overall, TV ads display the most ethnic diversity, while print ads show the least. Just like the previous month, ethnic diversity is limited in online ads, which had previously been the most diverse channel.
Representation of Disability
Along with demographic representation, our image analysis algorithm detects visually detectable disabilities, including wheelchairs, mobility aids, canes, and prosthetic limbs.
We detected two brands that portrayed people with disabilities. Colruyt and Rexona. Both brands feature people with disabilities without making disability the central focus. This approach helps normalise disabilities.
Comparing sectors
Age representation per sector
The Media and Publishing, Health and Pharma and Automotive sectors exhibit the most age diversity, meaning they represent a wide range of age groups. As shown in the Media and Publishing chart below, the representation of all age groups—except those under 18 and over 65—is aligned with the general population.
As in previous months, the Beauty and Hygiene sector seems to stick to the notion that young is beautiful and aspirational for older audiences.
Sectors showing the most age diversity in their ads
Rank | Sector | Diversity score | % 45+ |
1. | media and publishing | 75 | 33% |
2. | health and pharma | 70 | 27% |
3. | automotive and transportation | 69 | 14% |
Sectors showing the least age diversity in their ads
Rank | Sector | Diversity score | % 45+ |
8. | toys and events | 63 | 24% |
9. | beauty and hygiene | 62 | 8% |
10. | cleaning products | 60 | 12% |
Charts comparing age diversity in the most and least age diverse sector
Gender representation per sector
Food and Drinks, Distribution and Retail and Cleaning Products are the most female - male balanced. Beauty and Hygiene show mostly women. This is not surprising, but Tourism and Culture is surprising.
We also see that Toys and Events show as little as 34% women. A closer look reveals that these are mostly ads featuring football (players) with the European Championship coming up.
Sectors showing the most gender diversity in their ads
Rank | Sector | Diversity score | % Female |
1. | food and drinks | 50 | 49% |
2. | distribution and retail | 50 | 52% |
3. | cleaning products | 50 | 47% |
Sectors showing the least gender diversity in their ads
Rank | Sector | Diversity score | % Female |
8. | toys and events | 43 | 34% |
9. | beauty and hygiene, tourism and culture | 40 | 69% |
Charts comparing gender diversity in the most and least gender diverse sector
Ethnic representation per sector
Food and Drinks and FMCG brands usually depict a pore ethnically diverse cast. These brands often use internationally produced ads, which tend to feature a broader range of ethnic diversity. This month’s Belgian Telco and Energy ads are an exception to the rule.
In line with previous months, Media and Publishing ads, coming mainly from Media brands, are the least ethnically diverse.
Sectors showing the most ethnic diversity in their ads
Rank | Sector | Diversity score |
1. | telco and energy | 61 |
2. 3. |
cleaning products, food and drinks |
58 |
Sectors showing the least ethnic diversity in their ads
Rank | Sector | Diversity score |
7. | toys and events, health and pharma | 52 |
9. | tourism and culture | 50 |
10. | media and publishing | 42 |
Charts comparing ethnic diversity in the most and least ethnic diverse sector
If you have questions about the methodology or the technology used to creat the Belgian Ad Diversity Barometer, check our methodology page.